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Meet Christina

Hello to all the beautiful souls helping to heal and make this world the beautiful place that it is. Let’s exist in our world…….not the one those who seek control, want us to live in! We are all important and free. This is never to be questioned or forgotten. Know & walk in your truth.

My soul is one that truly cares about others. Isn’t it wonderful to strive to help others in any way we can? Meeting new people, listening & learning, lend us wisdom. When we have time together, I promise to be present, hear, and help you if at all possible.

I was fortunate to attain this business in 2019. I have many trades, but find there’s none more important than seeing God in all things & being grateful. When one can do this, success will follow. My specialties are Mathematics, Statistics, Real Estate, Home Design, Travel Counseling, Cooking, & Naturopathy! I can’t wait to help all those who desire health. Perhaps my most important & enjoyable roles…Mother & Gaga! And, I can’t forget the ones who walked with such grace & love so I would know them & do the same… beautiful Mother & Grandmother!

Jewelry Journey has something to offer everyone. I believe all are deserving of beautiful things. We offer shiny rocks and metals, preowned luxury designer items, travel consulting and other items at affordable prices. My love for nature, elephants, mermaids, palm trees, beaches, & waves have lent a great influence in what we offer.

Hopefully we will have something you fall in love with. If not, please reach out and I will do my best to find what you’re looking for.

Many blessings, much health, & happiness to all!


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